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Posts tagged "Blue Lakes Iron"

Impact Blue Lakes Kettlebells have on Fitness Routines

Impact Blue Lakes Kettlebells have on Fitness Routines
The kettlebell may look like a medieval accessory, but it is the latest tool in strength training and jump-starting stagnant workouts. According to a new study commissioned by the American Council on Exercise, adding newly designed kettlebell equipment to your workout can boost aerobic capacity while also building core strength and balance.

Why You Should Care About Your Kettlebell Coating

Why You Should Care About Your Kettlebell Coating
Beginning your strength training can be intimidating: Where do you start? Kettlebell workouts are a great option for beginners looking to burn a lot of calories in a brief amount of time – and an alternative for those who don’t prefer (or like) cardio. They can also be used in a variety of workouts including, HITT, CrossFit, strength training, and more. Free weights also aid in creating better posture, mobility, and coordination.